Saturday, December 24, 2011

BeautyGeek Review: Natural Aqua Gel

Been abit busy lately. Preparing school stuff for my beloved daughter for next year 2012. I've bought my hubby a Pearl 5-Set drum

He's into music and also like singing too.. Such an artist.. hehe.. He used to own drum before this but his "BFF" sold the drum without informing us.. yeah what a "BFF" I really hate his friend.

Nuf said now let's review!

I've been using the gel for a year now. I ask my friend to buy it for me when she's vacay at Singapore last year

Natural Aqua Gel Cure is a remarkable skin care product. Cure is a fragrance-free, color free and preservative free product made from activated hydrogen water that prevents oxidation. General chemical peeling use strong acids (approx. pH1.3) to dissolve protein. Cure, on the other hand, gently catches waste dead skin on surface of skin and remove it. It helps skin metabolism function better. You will be surprised your skin more smooth. Beneficial effects of gel should last approximately 3 to 4 months if used properly once or twice a week. No need to rub or scrub your skin too hard. Cure should be the best one you ever wanted. Feel your new skin.

Directions of use:
Wash face thoroughly with soap and water. Dry face well.
Pomp the bottle 3 to 5 times until you have an appropriate amount of gel on your finger.
Apply the gel to skin on your face, neck, or other areas that are dry and rough. Applying the gel to only part of face is also effective.
Gently massage when the gel becomes white (do not rub skin too hard). Rinse well after you see results.
Use lotion or skin cream that you normally use.
For best results, apply twice a week.

(This product can be applied to other parts of your body: neck, wrist. etc.)

Above description is from

What's my thought for this gel? Well it's my first gel to remove dead skin cell instead of scrub and I would say that I like it. Make sure that you pump adequate amount like 20cents dollop then gently, in circular motion, rub the gel on damp-cleansed-face. You need to have patient in rubbing the gel cause it takes time to finally dissolve the dead skin cell on your face

Looks transparent

I'm not sure if you can see the small white flakes on my hand after I've rubbed it.

I'm quite shy to show you my face to demonstrate this product.. hehe.. maybe next time ;)

With Love,

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